Episode 271 Recap: Building Towards Your First $100K Year

how to achieve your first 100k goal in business

February 18, 2024

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Ready to crush your first $100k goal? Let’s roadmap your journey together!

make your break podcast 100k free workbook

It was 17 years ago when Jai started his first business. It went bankrupt after 12 months…but he refused to give up.

Continuing his entrepreneurial journey, he established his next business venture as an electrician, taking 24 months to hit six figures.

In 2013, he started his third business as a wedding photographer and achieved six figures in 12 months. Not one to sit around idly, Jai then put on his business coach hat and launched his educational products – the Six-Figure Business Map, Wedding Photography Summit, in-person and online workshops, etc. – and crushed six figures in less than 12 months…in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the side, he also ran a photobooth DJ business, earning six figures in less than six months.

Without detailing every business Jai has successfully launched, there’s a proven strategy behind his entrepreneurial madness – one that he can rinse and repeat repeatedly, making it easier and easier each time.

Since then, he’s been pouring his hard-earned knowledge and relentless mindset into the community, helping thousands of photographers, videographers and entrepreneurs join the six-figure club.

So, in this latest Make Your Break podcast episode, it’s only fitting that he dives into the 10 most pivotal and game-changing life lessons he uncovered while building his first $100k biz!

Diving into the 10 biggest life lessons (and secrets) Jai learned along the way, you’re welcome to skip to the following timestamps:

  • Lesson #1: Working for free [4:06]
  • Lesson #2: Business works on averages [14:57]
  • Lesson #3: Limiting beliefs [21:33]
  • Lesson #4: You don’t need to know everything [24:50]
  • Lesson #5: It’s a numbers game [27:59]
  • Lesson #6: Success leaves clues [31:00]
  • Lesson #7: Your network is your net worth [33:07]
  • Lesson #8: Every day is another step [35:39]
  • Lesson #9: Plan ahead [36:36]
  • Lesson #10: Have more fun [38:09]

Here are some other resources (mentioned in the episode) that you’ll love!

Meet the Author

Obsessively wordsmithing and hyping the living daylights out of anything and anyone, Mel is our word nerd and coach from Melinda Harcourt Copywriting.

You’ll also find her regularly dropping hot website/ biz tips inside the Business Map and yelling at people for downplaying their wins (“big” or “small”, every win is still a win).




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