A Launch Recap from Jai Long Co. Headquarters

Jai Long Co team shoot

July 4, 2022

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WOW…I can’t believe we’re already in July. It has been a BIG few months at the Jai Long Co. headquarters and so much has happened that it feels like time’s just flown by.

Now that we have had some time to catch our breath and find our bearings, we’d love to bring you behind the scenes to recap everything we’ve been working on!

Here’s a quick summary of everything we’ve launched:

  1. Launched a brand-new website and revamped branding for Jai Long Co.
  2. Launched a brand-new website for our signature course, the Six-Figure Business Map
  3. Overhauled the entire Six-Figure Business Map course – check out what’s new in the course
  4. Hosted a free online event, Wedding Photography 2.0, at the end of May to celebrate the launch and our community
  5. Released an all-new documentary about shooting one’s first-ever destination wedding called ‘One Step Closer’
  6. Threw an in-person Business Map party for our sailors
  7. Started a dedicated Six-Figure Business Map Instagram account

and here’s a breakdown of why we decided to tackle each of these products…

1. New website & branding

jai long co team brainstorm

Gosh, this was a MAMMOTH effort! Since we first launched our business a couple of years ago, we were so busy in a go-go-go mode that we didn’t have the time to stop and reflect on whether our branding was still serving our community and goals (answer: NO). Our unclear website, branding and messaging weren’t doing anyone any favours. Previously filled with quick band-aid fixes in a desperate attempt to keep up with our fast growth, we realised that in order to serve our community best, we needed to overhaul EVERYTHING.

After months of hard work alongside Leelou and her amazing Studio Leelou team, we now have two new websites and refreshed branding that we’re proud of. Celebrating our team, our Six-Figure Business Map community, and our wider Jai Long Co. community, our brand-new online presence allows us to show up at our highest level.

2. Overhauled the Six-Figure Business Map course

new six figure business map 2.0 course

Now, if you thought the above rebranding wasn’t enough work, we also decided to rebuild our entire Six-Figure Business Map…from scratch. Yep. Are we crazy? You bet.

Why did we do this? Always listening to our community, we realised that while the old course housed hundreds of training videos to provide hours upon hours of gold, many found it rather overwhelming to navigate and prioritise. So, we sat down and brainstormed how we could revamp the course to benefit our members, maximising its impact and minimising its overwhelm. Ruthlessly culling the “filler” content, condensing the information and covering the latest updates, we refilmed the entire course, wrote a brand new workbook and updated our course portal.

Despite both expected and unexpected mishaps along the way, was it worth it? 1000% hell yeah! Our sailors have been generous with their positive feedback and many of our long-time members have vouched that this new course format and layout is waaaaay better than what we used to have. Nailed it!

Check out what’s in the Six-Figure Business Map course.

3. Hosted both an online event and an in-person BM party

six figure business map party

So you’ve probably noticed by now that our team doesn’t do anything half-assed. It’s an all-or-nothing kinda deal.

Once our new websites, branding, and course were all ready, we threw a FREE online event ‘Wedding Photography 2.0’ for the entire community to join us in our celebrations! Thousands of photographers and creatives from all across the world tuned in to level up with:

  • Donald Miller – the New York Times Bestselling Author & Marketing Expert from ‘Building a StoryBrand’
  • Cara Mia – Elopement Photographer & Educator who talked about ‘How to Create Intentional Content’
  • Leelou Leniart – Website & Branding Specialist who covered ‘How to Convert Your Website Traffic into Leads’
  • Jai Long – Business Coach & Wedding Photographer who hosted the event and dove into ‘Must-Know Strategies to Maximise Your Impact’

We also premiered our new documentary film ‘One Step Closer’, following wedding photographer Maegan Brown’s behind-the-scenes journey as she books her first international wedding.

We then continued the festivities by throwing a real-life in Melbourne for our Business Map sailors. It was so great to meet everyone in person, putting names to faces, and for all of us to let our hair down over drinks and nibbles.

So, what’s next?

The Six-Figure Business Map will be opening its doors for enrolment again from the 22nd of May 2023. Strictly limited to 300 spots, make sure you join the waitlist to get your bonuses!

Meet the Author

Obsessively wordsmithing and hyping the living daylights out of anything and anyone, Mel is our word nerd and coach from Melinda Harcourt Copywriting.

You’ll also find her regularly dropping hot website/ biz tips inside the Business Map and yelling at people for downplaying their wins (“big” or “small”, every win is still a win).




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