Business Map Case Study: Kate’s Successful Journey

June 9, 2021

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Entitlement is the killer of a good business

Though I’ve now been in the game for years, let me tell you, the learning never stops. As a business coach, I’m so grateful to have the awesome Six-Figure Business Map community that’s always growing and levelling up alongside me, inspiring me to dig deeper and push harder.


Entitlement is the killer of a good business. Earn your attention. Earn your customers. Earn your business.

The minute we get complacent and think we’re ‘good enough’, that’s when we stop creating a business that disrupts and demands attention. That’s when we stop giving 100% to our clients. That’s when we stop chasing our goals.

The learning never stops.

I truly believe that you can build the business of your dreams, one that’s soulfully aligned and feels authentic to you.

Business Map Case Study

I want to help pave the way for you. I’ve done it, I do it, and I want to show you the next steps to scale up your biz.

Let’s take Kate as an example.

The face behind ‘Wilderness Weddings Tasmania’, Kate and her husband Harley are a husband-and-wife wedding photography duo. She joined our community in April 2020 with “a great feeling about this whole thing!

She enrolled in the Business Map last April and I’ve been following her journey closely. I’ve grabbed some of her posts to create a little ‘highlights’ reel and case study for you.

Jai Long Business Map Review

Her first goal was to launch a new elopement business on the 8th of June 2020, so she dove straight in – everything from reaching out to our community to bounce ideas, to 1:1 mentoring, finessing her workflow for maximised efficiency, honing in on her dream clients, networking within the industry and setting up a dedicated working studio.

Business Map Review

Kate hustled and hustled some more.

Business Map Case Study

And what do you know…Kate hit 100k in sales in December 2020, just 6 months after launching her new elopement business! And exactly 8 months after joining the Business Map.

Business Map Case Study

But most importantly, one of her major #wins was embracing a mindset shift of saying no to jobs that weren’t right for her, creating a business that gave her more time and energy to attract and serve her dream niche.

Six figure business map

I’m sharing Kate’s journey with you because she’s just one of the many Business Map sailors who’ve believed in their dreams and went all in, guns blazing.

When you choose to invest in yourself, that’s the moment you tell yourself and the world that ‘f***k yeah, I can do this!’ It’s game-changing.

You can’t make up social proof, ammiright?!

The Six-Figure Business Map opens for enrolment on 22nd of May 2023

We’d love for you to join our Business Map family! Limited to 300 spots only, enrolment opens at 9AM on the 22nd of May 2023.

See what’s inside the course and sign up for our waitlist to get the latest updates!


Meet the Author

Obsessively wordsmithing and hyping the living daylights out of anything and anyone, Mel is our word nerd and coach from Melinda Harcourt Copywriting.

You’ll also find her regularly dropping hot website/ biz tips inside the Business Map and yelling at people for downplaying their wins (“big” or “small”, every win is still a win).




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