“A lot of people adopt an unhealthy why to try and achieve their big goals boasting: If I accomplish and do something external it will change something within me
As opposed to a healthy why which is;
When you go after something bigger than you’ve ever done before, that goal will force you to become the person you would inevitably need to be to achieve those goals”
At Jai Long Co, we are students of James Wedmore.
If you’ve ever attended an online event we’ve hosted, you would have navigated through a James Wedmore inspired landing page.
The breadth of James’ online marketing intellect is jaw dropping.
Based in Laguna Beach, California, James was an OG adopter of YouTube and online education.
As a true mixologist, using the alchemy infused from paying his way through film school with bartending. James made an online course for bartenders powered by YouTube and CD-ROMs. This is 2007 remember…
James opens up – really, really opens up – about the unbearable weight of success. The challenges of having an unhealthy why, as opposed to a healthy why. Championing the importance of why we need to realign and nurture our SELF to achieve those unrealistic goals.
Baring all, James speaks about overcoming what has been the most tumultuous two-years – to put it lightly – of his life. Losing a parent, the betrayal of a best-friend and the perils of divorce. All of these events occurring in a fortnight in 2021… brutal.
Listen in to see how James kept his head above water, powering on to conversely achieve his most profitable two years whilst navigating a sh*t storm.
James Wedmore has been teaching ambitious online entrepreneurs how to skyrocket their businesses for over 12 years.
He has been doing it himself for even longer, starting from selling lemonade to his neighbour’s, to building a multiple seven-figure business.
With his signature course, Business by Design, James has helped online business owners worldwide turn their dreams of massive income and impact into reality.
In 2016, Wedmore noticed a gap in the marketplace – the mindset needed for entrepreneurship.
He launched The Mind Your Business Podcast and his new signature program, Business By Design, to help other content creators, authors, and coaches make their mark online and leave an impression that lasts.
Wedmore has been featured on sites such as Entrepreneur and Forbes and has been a featured speaker at major industry events like Kajabi Summit and CreativeLive.
Wedmore’s mission is simple: to show business owners how to make serious cash doing what they’re good at, so all work and no play becomes all work is play.
He leads with play, finding the fun in everything he does, from making videos, teaching, and coaching to surfing, skateboarding, and hanging with his 16-month-old nephew. Wedmore’s “lifestyle” is about fun in and out of the business, and he invites others to do the same.