Unrealistic Workshop: 23-24 August Recap

unrealistic workshop

August 30, 2023

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Over a year in the making, the Unrealistic Workshop is finally done and dusted…but just on paper.

Because, as corny as it may sound, this event has set an all-new benchmark and will live on in our hearts and souls forever.

If we were to be completely transparent, we were low-key freaking out about the whole damn thing, right up to the day before.

Why? Here are just some of the reasons:


  • We were planning the in-person event in Los Angeles, from our headquarters in Melbourne/ Byron Bay – Jai flew to LA the week before to check out the venue for the FIRST TIME
  • It was our first ever ‘hybrid’ event, open to both in-person and online attendees
  • Though they quickly crept up at the last minute, in-person ticket sales were at an all-time low and we had already invested well over $100k just to make the event possible

unrealistic workshop east angel los angeles

Not to mention all the little hiccups our on-ground team had to navigate DURING the event, including numerous tech issues, the lunch food truck being booked for the wrong time, and struggling to stay on track with the tight schedule.

But, in all fairness, I suppose we did name the event “unrealistic” to begin with.

So, where’s the fun if we don’t at least attempt to dream AND make the unrealistic possible, right?

If you’re new here, here’s a quick recap of what the Unrealistic Workshop was about

Hosted in person and broadcasted live online from the East Angel in downtown Los Angeles, the Unrealistic Workshop was a 2-day event for photographers and creatives.

For creative hearts and bizniz minds, we had a blockbuster lineup of nine speakers join us, including:


  1. India Earl
  2. Nathan Chanski
  3. Asha Bailey
  4. Cara Mia
  5. Jennifer Moher
  6. Joy Zamora
  7. Stephanie Marie
  8. Leelou Leniart
  9. Jai Long

unrealistic workshop speaker lineup

Image credit: https://www.instagram.com/mar.mizunaka/ 

Over two days from 23-24 August 2023 (PDT), our speakers dug deep and got vulnerable, sharing their personal wisdom on the following topics:


  • Creating & Living Out Your Unrealistic Goals
  • Mindset: Others’ Perception of Us vs. Your Perception of Yourself
  • How to Bring Personality into Your Business
  • Conquer Marketing (& How to Throw a Yacht Party) #IYKYK
  • Cinematic Storytelling & The Art of the Narrative
  • Mastering Your Creativity & Craft
  • The Business of You: Unveiling Your Truth to Create a Personal Brand
  • Metamorphosis: Creativity & Cantaloupe
  • Pricing Theory

Get INSTANT ACCESS to the 12-month replays 👉 CLICK HERE

So, how did the actual event go? Were we being too “unrealistic”?

Honestly, hand on heart, we couldn’t have asked for more.

Firstly, we managed to sell out all our allocated in-person tickets.

Secondly, Pic-Time was kind enough to throw us an incredible ‘Superbloom’ party on the first night!

Thirdly, each and every one of our speakers showed up ready to blow minds…but ended up changing lives, drawing standing ovations and heartfelt hugs from our audience. From vulnerable tears shed on stage to deep and meaningful reality checks, it was a true honour just being able to share a room with them. To connect with them in a deeper, REAL AF way that I could have never possibly imagined.

Most importantly, it went smashingly because of OUR ATTENDEES!

unrealistic workshop for photographers 2023

Image credit: https://www.instagram.com/mar.mizunaka/ 

We may sound like a broken record but this event truly wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for your support. It wasn’t fancy marketing that helped us to fill our seats…it was YOU. Otherwise, we would’ve been getting up on stage in front of an empty room.

Whether it was in person or online, you chose to invest in yourself and level up with our community.

Community over competition, cheers to all the lifelong friendships and connections that were made during and after the Unrealistic Workshop!

Love from our Unrealistic Workshop community

That’s just a little teaser too…Jai’s DMs were also absolutely FLOODED with hype, gratitude and pure love.

Last but not least, big thanks goes to our wonderful sponsors who helped us bring the event to life!

Get INSTANT ACCESS to the 12-month replays 👉 CLICK HERE


Check out our Events page to stay on top of all upcoming events and workshops!

Meet the Author

Obsessively wordsmithing and hyping the living daylights out of anything and anyone, Mel is our word nerd and coach from Melinda Harcourt Copywriting.

You’ll also find her regularly dropping hot website/ biz tips inside the Business Map and yelling at people for downplaying their wins (“big” or “small”, every win is still a win).




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