5 Types of People You Need in Your Corner

5 people you need in your corner

November 8, 2021

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As the saying goes, “you are only as good as the company you keep”, it’s incredibly important to be selective with who you spend your time with. As a photographer and business owner, your time and energy are invaluable resources. You shouldn’t be wasting time with people who are not contributing to your growth! As you find your bearings and double down on your goals, know that it’s okay to outgrow people. Be brave enough to let go of those who are weighing you down.

While everyone has their unique way of tackling life and business, you also don’t have to do it alone. Yes, you’ll always have your family and friends’ unconditional support, but you also need people who understand the “business” aspect. Your best friend might not understand why Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm is disrupting your content strategy or why you’re so obsessed with rebranding. However, you can create future opportunities and accelerate your success by surrounding yourself with the right people!

Plus, did you know that the most successful people want others to succeed? They’re not intimidated by your success or upcoming talents because it challenges them to work harder – and it elevates the community and industry as a whole.

Meet the 5 different types of people you need to grow your business

5 people you need to grow business

Let’s put it this way…you should be seeking out motivated people – not people who need to be motivated. You want to get into a room with like-minded goal-getters and those who are already successful. They’re the ones who will match your energy, or even better, push you to reach unprecedented heights across your business.

1. The Co-Achiever

This is someone who shares your values and has similar goals – essentially, your business BFF! Perhaps they started their business the same time you did or they’re at a similar stage of growth. When you’re on a similar journey, it’s easier to brainstorm pain points and goals.

2. The Cheerleader

As solo business owners, we often celebrate wins and struggle through losses alone. You want a person who is always ready to hype and re-energise you! Whether this is your mum, your partner, your best friend or a community peer, they’re your biggest cheer squad.

3. The Mentor

Whether this is a professional coach or simply someone you look up to who has found their own success, you need a mentor to guide you on what to do and what common mistakes to avoid. They’ve been there and done that which means you can always benefit from their experience.

4. The Accountability Buddy

This is the person who holds you responsible for your goals and checks on your progress. For example, inside the Six-Figure Business Map community, many of the sailors rely on accountability to keep them on track and focused on their goals. There’s always going to be highs and lows but no matter what, you need to keep progressing forward.

5. The Divergent

The ‘divergent’ is someone who isn’t afraid to challenge your thinking and provide honest feedback. They’re the ones who will think outside of your self-created “box” and push you to dig deeper with unbiased suggestions. Never let yourself get complacent or settle – a fresh perspective is always powerful!

Reciprocate their efforts – don’t be a ‘taker’

There are givers, takers, and matchers. Always working towards their personal gain, takers put their own interests ahead of others’ needs. Matchers balance their giving and taking. Givers are focused on others and tend to provide value to others with no strings attached.

be a giver not a taker

In the long run, givers are usually the ones who succeed because their generous nature often results in quality relationships. However, it’s important to note that you don’t want to be constantly dropping everything to help others all the time. You’ll end up falling behind in your own work and sacrificing your own success. Rather, you can opt to be smart and strategic with your giving, so other matchers and takers don’t take advantage of you.

Remember: it’s a two-way relationship. Show up for the people in your corner as much as you expect of them!

For more biz and life tips, make sure you’re following my Instagram @jailong.co and tune into my ‘Make Your Break’ podcast for creative entrepreneurs. ❤️

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